Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply to the use of the OZ Fish And Game website, both as a buyer and/or seller. In using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. This document may be amended at any time – without prior notice. Please check back here incrementally for updates to ensure that you remain compliant in your use of the website. Any changes made will apply immediately upon posting on this website. Your continued use of the Oz Fish and Game website following such notification will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the Terms & Conditions as amended.


‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’ are a reference to Oz Fish And Game.

“the website” is a reference to ozfishandgame.com and all sub-domains.

“Active ads” include all advertisements which are posted on the website or saved as drafts.

Accounts and membership:

You must read, agree with and accept all of the Terms & Conditions contained herein before you can become a member of, and use the Oz Fish and Game website.

Each user is required to create an account in order to upload ads, or contact sellers. This account is personal to you, and may not be transferred, sold, or accessed by any other third party. You are responsible for the security of your username and password, and must notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your account, or any other security breach. By creating this account, you agree to receive correspondence from other users in relation to your activities on the website.

A user may only register ONE account. Any user found breaching this rule will have their user credentials permanently blocked from accessing the website.

When registering for a user account, you agree to provide all required information, and not to provide any false, misleading, inaccurate, or incomplete information. You are also required to keep the details associated with your user account up-to-date. Failure to do so may result in your account functionality becoming limited in use.

In using the Oz Fish and Game website, you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the Oz Fish and Game ’s Privacy Policy (as updated from time to time).

Marketplace (buy/sell):

Sellers must ensure that item descriptions are true, accurate, current and complete. We accept no responsibility for any goods that fail to correspond with the seller’s description or samples. We have no control over the availability, quality, safety or legality of listed items, we do not warrant the truth or accuracy of listings and we have no control over representations made by either the seller or the buyer; however, Oz Fish and Game does not accept or approve the listing of counterfeit products. Where such products are suspected to be fake or imitations, Oz Fish and Game reserves the right to remove such listings.

All sales, agreements and transfers are made at the discretion of the buyer and seller.

It is the responsibility of all users to comply with local, state/territory and federal laws and regulations when listing, selling and buying items on Oz Fish and Game. Check your state or territory’s firearms registry for more information.

Any listing placed by you must comply in all respects with applicable legislation regarding advertisements for the sale of firearms. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with and comply with such requirements, but we note that requirements for advertising firearms or firearms parts require that the seller and buyer must provide their shooters licence or permit number plus the serial number for the firearms or firearm part. NSW and TAS also require that advertisements clearly show the name and address of the licensed firearm dealer who will transfer the ownership for the seller and buyer.

Once an item is sold and no longer available, the seller must mark the listing as sold within 3 days.

The transfer of all firearms must be made via a licensed dealer, and comply with all other legislated requirements for the sale of firearms. Additional costs may be associated with these requirements, and you are solely responsible for all such costs.

All users under the age of 18 are forbidden to buy or sell knives, firearms and ammunition. The buyer must supply proof of their age to the seller, and the seller must not provide any such items to a buyer without first receiving such proof of the buyer’s age.

You must not use Oz Fish and Game to buy or sell any items that are illegal or otherwise unlawful. This includes imitation firearms such as gel blasters.

The purchase/sale of any item must be lawful in all respects. You must hold any permits, registrations, licences or other formal authorisations that may be required to sell your item. Any fees associated with such authorisations are solely your responsibility.

Threats, harassment, defamation or obscene, illegal or otherwise inappropriate behaviour are not permitted, nor are spamming, phishing or unsolicited marketing. You agree that you will not engage in any of these behaviours as part of your use of Oz Fish and Game .

Care should be taken to only disclose essential relevant information to other users.

Club membership:

Club members are able to cancel their membership at any time. This request must be done in writing, by emailing – [email protected]
Membership fees, once paid and processed, are non refundable.

Receipts and invoicing:

In accordance with ACCC policies, all payments will receive an automated proof of purchase statement from Paypal. In addition to this, we can provide our business account holders with a formal tax receipt. If you require this, please get in contact with us. As this is a manual process, we ask that you only make this request if you have a genuine need for it.

Third party links:

The Oz Fish and Game website may include URL links to other websites. Once you click on a link that takes you direct to another website, you agree to abide by that website’s terms and conditions, so please ensure you read their applicable agreements before providing any personal information.

Our role and legal liability:

Oz Fish and Game acts as a third-party platform for buyers and sellers. We are not a party to any sale – arranged or concluded, via our website. In providing our services, we are not acting as a firearms dealer. We do not have any involvement in the sale of items, other than providing the advertising space to list the items. There is no contract of sale between you and us, whether you are a buyer or a seller. We do not act as agent for either party.

Oz Fish and Game is not affiliated with and does not endorse any sellers, buyers or items. We accept no responsibility in the event that a transaction is not completed due to an act or omission on the part of either the seller or a prospective buyer. Because we are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers, in the event that you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our employees) from claims, demands and damages of any kind and nature arising out of, or in any way connected with such disputes.

Oz Fish and Game does not provide warranties for any items and assumes no risk, liability or responsibility for any misconduct by users. We accept no responsibility for defective goods, including the failure of goods to be of merchantable quality.

We do not guarantee that we will notice or be able to prevent any illegal or inappropriate use of the Oz Fish and Game website. Illegal or illegitimate listings and transactions will be reported to Scam Watch and the Police.

We do not retain listings, records of transactions, nor do we have access to inter-user communication.

Oz Fish and Game reserves the right to reject any advertisers, advertisements, or items which are deemed to be inappropriate or unsuitable. This is done at our discretion. No refund for any listing or subscription fees will be given in these circumstances.

We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time if you breach these Terms & Conditions, or otherwise at our discretion. Any breach of these Terms & Conditions may result in the immediate removal of listed items and users. Users may also be subject to further action.

We reserve the right to review and remove listings to ensure compliance with these Terms & Conditions. If you feel that any listing is offensive, illegal or does not comply with basic common sense, please report it immediately.

Weather forecast information:

The interactive weather widget which is displayed on the “Weather Forecast” page is supplied by WillyWeather(.com.au). We take no responsibility as to the reliability of the information provided and recommend that it should be viewed as a guide only. If traveling into unfamiliar climates, or if fishing in open water, we strongly recommend contacting local support services such as marine rescue or the national parks and wildlife services for more accurate advice. In using this widget, you agree to abide by all of WillyWeathers terms and conditions.